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Keren High School Reunion

Our Keren High School Reunion website is fostering a spirit of networking where former Keren students could reflect on their childhood. We would like to receive your emails and comments.  If you have old pictures, please send them to us, and we will post them. If you have memories of Keren High School that you want to write about, please do so.  We all know that we missed one-another, and by sharing memories, we will be able to stay close and energized.

9th Keren High Schools Reunion
In Seattle



                 Reserve Your Hotel

Dates: July 4 – 6, 2025

Place: University of Washington


Link to reserve:


Reserve early to avoid late registration fee.


Here are some details:

Room Rates:

              Double Occupancy: $74/night for 1 person (which is $148/night for 2 people)

              Single Occupancy: $124.75/night

Meal Rates: $32/day minimum. (Breakfast $15, Lunch $17.50, and Dinner $21)

Registration fee: $25


Arrivals and Late Check Outs: You can check in as early as Wednesday July 2 and check out as late as Thursday July 10, 2025.  Rate will be $10/night more for the extra days.


All Kerenites are invited to come and mingle with old friends and talk about the memories of our schools and Keren.  Bring family and friends.

Mark your Calendar

July 4 – 6, 2025 Seattle is hosting Keren High Schools Reunion.

Keren High Schools reunion is going to be held in Seattle. For July 4th weekend, all Kerenites are invited to attend this non-political, non-religious, non-regional, get together of former students. 

Keren High Schools reunion started in 2008.  Since its inception, we held 8 reunions.  We had 2 reunions in Toronto, 4 reunions in Washington, DC, 1 reunion in Los Angeles, and 1 via zoon during the Covid years.  The next 9th reunion is happening in Seattle, Washington.

Visit “” to learn about the goals and the history of these reunions.  In short, the reunions are get together of old childhood friends and classmates to remember the good old days.  We usually spend 3 quality days laughing and enjoying one another.  We Kerenites, have great memories of our sweet Keren TSADA. 

In the streets of Keren, you will hear many languages.  To mention a few Bilen, Tigre, Tigringa, Saho, Arabic, Italian, and some more.  In the olden days Keren was a home to Sudanese, Yemens, Nigerians, Italians, Ethiopians, and the 9 Eritrean BIHERAT.  We also had people whose descendants are from Somalia, Greece, and Turkey.  We have Moslems and Christian.  The amazing thing about Keren was this:  It was the place of tolerance, respect, harmony and peaceful co-exitance.   The diversity made us learn all cultures and learn how to live together as brothers and sisters.

OUR MISSION: The Keren Secondary School Reunion mission is to strive in bringing together old friends, and bridge the gap that was created due to circumstances. The re-union aims to build on shared core values. The Keren Secondary School re-union will serve to aid in learning the lessons of the past and looking forward to the future.






8 Keren High School Reunion Report

8th Keren High School Reunion:

Image of Natural Keren June 30 -July 2, 2023

By Bahlibi Tekle

The more anticipated Keren High School Reunion also known as Sweet Keren has come and gone leaving nostalgic moments for the participants. The people of Keren and its suburbs known for their diversity and tolerance found their exact image at this reunion. Happiness and brotherhood were the main key points shown at this reunion. Keren High School reunion started in July 2008 at Seneca College Toronto. After having reunions every two years and after interruption for three years because of COVID 19, the 8 th reunion came back where it started.

The following is the summary of the three-day event.

Friday June 30 2023: As many of our members reserved the Seneca residence as a hotel, it was a day of checking in, welcoming, registration, and socializing. At 6;00 p.m. dinner offered by the host city was served for all guests and everyone who participated for the evening. Abdelminim was ready with his music equipment to entertain the guests but as everyone was so much involved in socializing, we had a light music to refresh our minds. Slide show of pictures of old Keren was prepared by the preparatory committee showing all the different sport clubs and others involved in Keren.

Saturday July 1st 2023: This was a day everyone was waiting for. Even though our plan was to start early, people took some time to relax and socialize. The opening ceremony led by Bahlibi Tekle was to remember all our martyrs and the students of Keren high school who are not with us. A candle commemorating all the martyrs of Eritrea for independence was lit by our noted speaker Woldesus Ammar. The former Keren high school students who passed away were remembered and candle was lit by Medhin Ferdinando Dirar, a pioneer student. Every body who participated in the last seven reunions at least once but unfortunately who passed away were remembered and candle was lit for their honor by Tewelde Yohannes, Dehab Yacob, and Brot Tekle who never missed any one out of the 8 reunions. After the opening ceremony, Hassen Ferej. a Toronto committee member welcomed the participants. Abraha Zerai, our board chair, gave a brief history and the main objectives of the Keren High School reunion. Shewit Mesghina read the congratulatory letter from Dr. Demsas Habtu.

After all these opening ceremonies, time came to start with our first speaker whom people were waiting very eagerly.  Woldesus Ammar and his spouse Leteab Tewelde came all the way from Switzerland . Many people were eager to see who Woldesus Ammar is as he has been a figure head during his studies at high school and University and revolution for independence. Woldesus was introduced by Amanda Bahlibi. Woldesus Ammar spoke highly about the History of Education in Keren and the History of the city of Keren. Participants were so much concentrated on listening as it was a topic you could never afford to miss. Our Reunion spirit was uplifted by the presence of Woldesus. The lecture of Woldesus in Tigrinya and English put in a booklet was distributed to the participants.

After Woldesus’s speech, the Keren High School reunion honored Tewelde Yohannes and Dehab Yacob for their 60 years of wedding anniversary. They were presented with a pluck by Jemil Petros ,Welday Abbe, and Michael Zergaber who were part of the wedding guests 60 years ago. Our next guest speaker was Fetsum Tecle a famous visual artist who came all the way from Edmonton, Alberta. He was introduced by Dr. Woldemariam. Fetsum had arts show which started on Friday which gave our reunion a big boost. Fetsum spoke about importance of arts and his voyage to arrive at the point he is in now at. His speech was listened by the participants eagerly without any disturbing voice or movement.

Following Fetsum,a young activist Marwan Mahmoud and a former student of UNESCO school Jimmy Arey gave a brief description of the school and the need of fundraising for the continuation of the school After the morning session lunch was served by the host city. Everyone sat down together and enjoyed the delicious food while socializing.

The afternoon session started with an important topic of mental illness led by Araya Gebreselasie,Yohannes Ferdinando,and Michael Embaye. As everyone is involved somehow with the topics discussed, people were curious to listen. Araya continued with his motivational speech. He also called a separate meeting for the youth to explain them about the dangers of addiction.

After officially finishing with all the speeches,Tesfagabir Messghina collected the answers for the trivia questions about Keren he prepared. Tesfagaber awarded the winner with special cultural hand made stick. The winner was Gemil Petros and was presented with the stick by Woldesus Ammar. Dr Woldemariam read a poem prepared by Woldesilasie Tesfai which was unfortunate that his plane was cancelled due to weather conditions. The serious part of the day finished here and Zeinab Warah and Fickak Ebtes took over to entertain people with jokes and old stories.

Dinner was served again and participants had time to socialize. Music and entertainment could not start until 9:00 p.m. as participants were deeply involved in socializing. Live singers Dashim Mesghina and Temano Hizbay with keyboard player Binyam and guitarists Elias and Abdelminim brightened the spirit of the people playing all the songs of Keren. Sirak a young son of parents from Keren did one song in Tigrinya.

Sunday July 2nd 2023: This was a day of picnic and BBQ at Seaton Park,73 Thorncliffe Park Drive A real image of Keren was shown here. People remembered the old days of Mariam Deari festivities where Christians and Muslims enjoyed the day as one people hand to hand. I have never seen for so long people enjoying a company of each other. Hotdogs, Burgers, and meat was served throughout the day. Many children enjoying the day. In addition to the shelter of the city, thanks to the local mosque, we had tents and chairs. BBQ was served by a professional Siraj who has up to date machinery. The day was concluded by taking a group picture and every one singing,”Wlad Keren Harayr(Belayn) - egeyso enbel babur wo mekayn” and “Welet Keren Tsaada tigis kemrada”

Thanks to Memhir Gezae Abraha,who transmitted live in Facebook the evening of Friday ,Saturday evening and the picnic and BBQ at the park on Sunday. Thanks also to the few women from Toronto who were so dedicated to feed every one for the three-day event. Thank you for our daughters and young children who successfully sold souvenirs for three days. Thank you for the ladies who tirelessly did the registration for the event. Thank you every one who contributed for the success of the special event. All the three-day event was captured by videographer Idris.

The 8th reunion overall was one of the best if not the best so far. On the three-day event, close to 1000 people attended. Many participants came from USA, and some from Europe, and Saudi Arabia. Every one was so happy and thankful to the organizers. Even though the board members are working tirelessly for many years, they are looking to add more members specially from the new generation who can represent the actual Keren and its surroundings. The board will decide soon the interval and the location of the next reunion. Stay tuned.


Please mark your calendars and save the date to attend 8th Keren HS Reunion on the weekend of July 1st, 2023 in Toronto, Canada.


Dear WeLaD/DeKi Keren TSADA,

Keren High Schools Board met and discussed our next reunion’s place and time.  As you all know, due to COVID-19, our last reunion was in ZOOM, and it was a great success.  Brothers and sisters from around the world met and had a good time.

Our next in-person reunion is going to be, next year in the weekend of July 1st, 2023 (June 30, July1, and July2).  It seems far away, but before we know it, it is going to be here.

We will meet next year face to face reunion with more energy and rigor.

As WeLaD/DeKi Keren, we are more social people who enjoy one another and love to be together in one place hugging, handshaking, kissing, giving high fives, telling HIKAYAS, and laughing.  We would have loved to be together every day of our lives.  However, war and unbearable circumstances in our homeland pushed us out and forced us to live in different continents.

Till then, let’s keep our Sweet Keren Brotherhood love intact, and if you come across any good ideas for our reunion pass it on to Keren High Schools Board.  See you at our reunion in Toronto!!

Location:            Toronto Hotel - Residence and Conference Centre - Seneca College

Address:             1760 Finch Avenue East

                           Toronto, ON M2J 5G3

                           Tel: +1 416 491 8811


Two Bedroom Suite

  • Features

    • Sleeps 4

    • Room 1: 1 Double bed

    • Room 2: 1 Double bed

    • 1 Bathroom

  • Amenities

    • Non-smoking,  Shower,  Wireless Internet

    • Linen and Towels Provided, Microwave

    • Fridge, Smart TV

    • Kitchenette, Free Toiletries

    • Air conditioned, Laundry Facilities​​

  • This Deluxe Suite features two separate bedrooms. Each bedroom has a double-size bed, television, telephone, desk, and closet. Prepare a meal in the updated kitchenette with a full size refrigerator, microwave, and dining area. Each suite contains a spacious bathroom with a stand up shower. All suites feature complimentary high-speed WiFi, cable TV access, and complimentary local, Canada, and US long distance calls. On-site laundry facility is available for your convenience.

To reserve follow the following:

Go to

·       Press: Book Now

·       Select Toronto (Reopening May 2023)

·       Select dates June 30 to July 2 or whatever date you choose

·       Press : Have A Promo Code- on the right top corner

·       Promo code is: KHS ( will give you 15% discount)

7th Keren high school

2021 zoom reunion


Speech by Chairman Abraha Zerai

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In behalf of Keren High Schools Organizing Committee allow me to say thank you for attending our Keren High Schools 2021 Zoom Reunion.  I feel honored to welcome you to this historic get together of former classmates and school-mates.  My name is Abraha Zerai.  I was born and raised in Keren.  I went to Keren Secondary School, and now I live in America.  My favorite American president, John Kennedy once said, “The success of any school can be measured by the contributions the alumni make to our nation’s life.” Keren High School alumni contribution socially and politically in Keren in particular, and Eritrea in general was very huge. We are here today to celebrate those achievements by young Keren boys and girls. Continue Reading...

Zoom Meeting Participants.jpg

The Seventh Extraordinary

Keren High School Reunion - July 3, 2021

By Bahlibi Tekle

Toronto, Canada


When you are alive for so long, you can see many different things you can never imagine seeing during your lifetime. Who would think to have a high school meeting virtually? Who would think about the creation of Zoom technology?


Despite the existence of Covid-19 through out the world, there was no problem to have a Keren high school reunion using zoom technology. It was so different and exciting to see many friends virtually on the screen. Thanks to Mukhtar Saleh Baramberas who mastered this technology and led us to good conclusion.


On Saturday July 3,2021, People started to join the zoom meeting at 3:00 p.m. Everyone was shouting the names they see on the screen with happiness and nostalgic manner. After a lot of interference with each other, the program started. The meeting was opened with dedication of one minute silence to all students, teachers, and Eritrean Martyrs for independence and liberty. Bahlibi also remembered the deceased people who participated in person to our unions or encouraged with letters. They were Director Mahmoud Mohammed Ali Kanoni, Mohammed Hashi, Letebrhan Michael Gobay, Ramadan Ferej, Zeray woldetinsae, memhir Berih alishek, and memhir Osman Omer Omran. The introduction by Bahlibi also included the significance of a reunion and explained that a reunion is not an association or an organization but just a meeting between friends you met at school when you were young. Continue Reading...

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Memories of the ONA Massacre

By Tekle Bahlibi

I was at school on December 1, 1970. There were not many students as it was the second day of Eid celebrations. In the morning, missiles were launched from Forto to Ona passing over our secondary school. They were soon followed by the sounds of shootings and bombings by soldiers who went to Ona on foot and from their direction we saw people running for their lives towards Ad Hashel. We were dismissed from school not having any idea of what was going on. Later on in the day people started to share stories of what happened and the many lives lost. Continue Reading...

In Memory Of Ustaz Osman Omar Omran


By Hassen Saleh Baramberas         

About everyone who attended school in Keren in the 60s and 70s has a fond memory of Ustaz

Osman Omar Umran, a beloved and respected figure whose steady and avuncular presence on

school campus was a source of emotional support for a proud community that endured an

endless siege for being at the epicenter of resistance to a brutal occupation. He knew your name,

your family, your friends, as if you were part of his extended family. In a calm and soothing way

that many found appealing, he mentored us without judging or scolding us. No doubt, he has left

an indelible impression on our collective memory. The last time I met him was in Agordat after it was liberated by the ELF. Even in the chaos of a newly liberated town, he took the time to tell me that he saw my younger brother, martyr Kamal, an ELF fighter, near Hagat, and that he had a chance to talk to him. I was surprised that he knew my younger brother. But that was him, genuine, unpretentious and caring. While we grieve his loss, let’s celebrate his caring life and cherish his memory.

By Hassen Fereg

Ustaz Omar Omran, age 85, passed away peacefully on Sunday, March 22, 2020, in Medina, Saudi Arabia where he was living since 1980’s. He was born in Keren, Eritrea in 1935. He received his education in Keren Elementary School along with traditional Islamic education. Later he continued his education in Beit Ghergis, Asmara, Eritrea. He graduated from the Teacher’s Training Institute (TTI) and worked as a teacher in Barka, Agordat, Sahel, and Keren as well as in the highlands of Eritrea. He was one of the most beloved teachers, father, mentor and impromptu counselor, advising the school children on any issue which may have plagued them. He had a deep-rooted knowledge of Keren and its inhabitants. He will be missed dearly. Ustaz Omar Omran is survived by his wife, his four sons, Mohamed-Nur, Mustafa,

Abdulrahman, and Abdulkareem, his two daughters, Suad and Nejat. May God grant his paradise.

By Michael Embaie

    It is very sad to learn about the passing away of Ustaz Osman Omar Umran. He was like a father figure to almost every student. One of the things that I have always talked about Ustaz Umran was during the brutal attack on ONA by the Ethiopian military. As the brutal attacks and killings was going on, I remember that Ustaz Umran rounded as many students as possible to get us to the OLD BUILDING, where the Library was to keep us safe. (I am not sure where it came from, when we were kids we used to call the old building AKAN ABKUL (the place/house of mules, may be it was a Campo police thing). As you know the Old building was built of Rocks (Smooth Strong Rocks, River Rocks) that could withstand incoming bullets. His quick thinking was that, half of the walls of the NEW BUILDING were glass walls and not safe. I think that was his parental or fatherly instinct......Continue Reading

2-Ustaz Omar Umran.JPG

Chairman Speech

Abraha Zerai

Dear friends,

It is an honor and pleasure to stand in front of you and give a speech about my memories and

experiences of Keren High School. My respected brothers, sisters, and the young generation,

WELCOME to 6th Keren High School Reunion. 

Allow me to introduce the board of our reunion who worked hard to organize this weekend’s get together.  Our founding brothers from Toronto Tesfagabir Misgina, Bahlibi Tekle, Hassen Fereg, Yacob Idris, Zienab Warah,  from Calgary Michael Embaye, from Ottawa Yohannes Ferdinado,  from New York Mehari Estifanos, Woldensia, from DC, Yemane Desta, Mohamed Ali Mahmud, Habtimichael Woldesus , Tekleab Birhane, from Nebraska Semira Osman, from Seattle Jowet gual Gemetra and myself (Abraha Zerai), Michael Tikabo, from Bay Area Woldeslassie Tesfai, Dr. Mulugeta Abraha, from LA Dr. Woldermariam, Kibra Gabre, and from St. Louis  Missouri Muktar Saleh, from Texas Ibrahim Yassin, and from Illinois Dr. Fickak Habtes.

In the last few years, we lost some KH community members.  To mention a few, our dear father,  big brother, our role model, our mentor, and beloved principal Mahmud Kanoni who was part of our 3 reunions; ….. Continue Reading

Ustaz Mahmoud Kanoni

Hummed Neberai Scholarship – HNS

The children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the late Hajj Hummed Ibrahim Neberai (رحمه الله) of Keren, Eritrea, launched this scholarship fund in July 2016, as a perpetual voluntary charity (صدقة جارية), on

 behalf of their ancestor for the benefit of deserving Eritreans seeking higher education. For more information please visit















In behalf of the organizing committee, it is my pleasure to say thank you for coming from all around the world to celebrate our 4th Keren High Schools Reunion.  First, allow me to introduce the organizing committee who made this possible. They are Abraha Zerai, Bahlibi Tekle, Hassen Fereg, Tesfagabir Misgina, Yacob Idris, Zeinab Warah, Michael Embaye, Woldeslassie Tesfai, Dr. Wolderamriam Gebreslassie, Kibra Gebre, Yassin Ibrahim, Dr. Fickak Habtes, Habtinkiel Woldesus, Yemane Desta, Yohannes Ferdinado, Mohamed Ali, Hassen Mender, and Dr. Ogbai Tekie. In the last 2 years, through teleconferences, we met at least once a month to prepare this get together. We put a lot of work into it.


We are all gathered here today in the name of Keren High Schools Reunion, which covers from the day it was founded to today’s Keren High Schools. Before I speak about our beloved High Schools, allow me to talk about Keren in general. In our first reunion, Hassen Fereg described it as, and I quote, “Keren is a cosmopolitan town with all the Eritrean ethnic groups and religious traditions living side by side. It is a town were more than eight other nationalities have assimilated into...Continue Reading...

Chairman’s 4th Reunion Speech

Honored Mr. Mahmud Kanoni and

Honored Guests,

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh's Letter

to the 4th Reunion


Words to the people of Keren, Eritrea and surrounding villages.

From Marty and Deacon Hugh Downey.


Times change. Generations pass. Lives become lost. People live for today and hope for tomorrow. But some things never change and some times are never forgotten. Such is the case with our lives.


We lived the most meaningful and important part of our lives with you in the Keren area. We can never forget that, and will carry the memories of those days to our graves – whether they were good or bad. Yes, during those years (1962 onward) we were young and enthusiastic and believed that “we could make a difference”. But regardless of what we accomplished we learned something from you good people which influenced our entire lives. You taught us about the things in life that are ‘truly valuable’... Continue Reading

Old Memories

Keren High School Students

Outlook Magazine 


Compiled by Yohannes Ferdinando Drar, Ottawa, Canada February 4, 2010


To all former students of Keren high school (Then called Atzie Dawit Secondary), especially graduates of the 60s and 70s, the school had a magazine run by the students. To preserve the memory of our former students, I am trying to collect copies so that people can remember their classmates and friends. I have the first edition from 1967 with different articles that I have transcribed. The magazine has poems, question and answer sessions, biographies and thought pieces. The articles are mostly written by students and teachers. I would suggest any former students from the high school to forward materials that could be important for our website.

Below is a listing of all former teachers at Keren High School or Atzie Dawit during the 1960’s and 70’s. Some teachers were from India, Peace Corps teachers from the U. S. including local teachers. The first director of the high school was Mr. Mahmoud Adam and then Mr. Mahmoud Kanouni (1960’s & 1970’s). I have collected the information from the Outlook Magazine Newsletter published by students in the 1960’s. I have also redesigned and reprinted it for your enjoyment! I encourage all former students to send any informative memories to the website.





Mr. Hugh's Reflection of KHS 3rd Reunion


July 13, 2012


In my entire life I have never been affirmed and appreciated as much as you good Keren people were to Marty and me. I have been just overwhelmed with a joyful feeling of goodwill between you native born Eritreans and me, an adopted Eritrean... Continue Reading















It was a wonderful treat to have Haben Girma as our motivational speaker of our 4th reunion. She is a real hero of our Eritrean community who become an icon and stood to the rights of our disabled. I am so glad to see our little daughter of Keren descent is doing so great. Her speech made everyone of us to think of how we treat our disabled back home; growing up in our beautiful Keren, we were nice people to one another, but we didn’t know how to take care of our disabled. Her speech will help everyone in attendance to reflect into their lives and make change in the way he/she thinks about our community.

(Abraha Zerai)

Haben Girma was a motivational speaker at the 4th Keren High Schools Reunion in Los Angeles; what an inspirational person she is. Haben is an extra-ordinary person who accomplished so much in her tender age against formidable obstacles. She conquered her disability and rose to prominence to be a genuine motivator and true role model. Every word she uttered was music to the ears of the audience.

(Woldeselassie Omer)

I had the privilege to sit down with WaleT Keren, Haben Girma and exchanged few words during the 4th Keren Highschool Reunion in Los Angeles. Haben Girma overcame the adversity of being blind and deaf to become one of the leading Civil rights Advocate, also teaches families and educators to set high expectations. She is truly inspirational.

(Mukhtar Saleh Baramberas)


Haben Girma

  • YouTube Social  Icon








Sports History in Keren: Football

By Dr. Salah Jimi

Part I


Like elsewhere in Eritrea and perhaps in the world, sport activities in Keren primarily conducted at two levels- the town's league and as part of the educational system. There were also strong football competitions at suburbs' (Hillet) level. In this first part, the focus is on the town's football league. The second part will shed light on various sport activities at Keren High School and other schools in the town, encompassing football, Basketball, Volleyball and different types of athletics. The purpose of documenting sport history in Keren is to give it its right place in the Eritrean history. The period of interest in this and the follow-up article is 1970 to 1990.


The people of keren are sport-loving in general but have had great affection for football in particular. The town was endowed with talented footballers like Yohannes Weldezion (Joker) and Ismael Mahmoud who were key players of Asmara/Hamassien team; Aragay G/Ezgabeher, another highly-skilled footballer from Keren played for Seraye, the rival team to Asmara team in the 1960s and 1970s. Moreover, Tesfalem G/Meskel, a highly-gifted footballer from Keren represented Ethiopia at the national level to play in the Africa Cup of Nations in Khartoum. A brief history of sport in Keren, narrated by one of the talented footballers of the early 1970s, Tesfagabir Mesgina, spanning over the period late 1960s to early 1970s can be accessed here.... Continue Reading


Selected Keren Team vs Hamasen 1971

Can you remember your former Peace Corps Teachers?

Here is a list of former Peace Corps teachers who served in Keren, Eritrea. The Peace Corps teachers served in Eritrea during the Ethiopian rule and after independence of Eritrea. I have collected this information from the Peace Corps website and it might help former students to reminisce their student life in Keren.
By Yohannes Ferdinando Drar (Ottawa, May 28th, 2010)


ተማሃሮ ካልኣይ ደረጃ ከረን

ቦኽሪ ዳግመ ርክብ

July 4 – 6, 2008

ተስፋጋብር ምስግና

ብተስፋጋብር ምስግና ዝቐረበ ጽሑፍ

ቶሮንቶ ካናዳ - እንቋዕ ብደሓን መጻእኩም ንምባል ኣፍቁዱለይ፡ ካብ ዝተፈላለየ ኩርነዓት ዓለም ኣብዛ ንመጀመሪያ ጊዜ አነብዕላ ዘሎና ምትእኽኻብ ንገለና ናይ ድሕሪ መዋእል እንቋዕ ገጽ ንገጽ ኣረኣኣየና። ናይታ እንፈትዋን ዘዕበየትናን ቤት ትምህርቲ ከረን ካልኣይ ደረጃ ድሒራ ሃጸይ ዳዊት ዝተባህለት እንደገና  ተመሊሳ ናይ ከረን ካልኣይ ደረጃ ቤት ትምህርቲ ምርኻብናን ምትእኽኻብና ዓቢ ጸጋ ኢዩ።

ሎሚ ኣብ ከረን ኣሎና ይመስለኒ፡  ኣብ ከረን ክብል ከሎኹ አታ ካብ ኣርባዕተ መኣዝንን ከባብን ኮነ ካብ ኣስመራ ፡ ዓሊ ግድር፡ ተሰነይ፡

ባረንቱ፡ኣቑርደት፡ኣፍዓበት ኮነ ናቕፋን መአከቢትናን ትምህርቲ እንቐስመላ ዝነበርናን መስራቲት ሓድነትናን ፍቕርና እነሳላስለላ ዝነበርናን ናይ ከረን ካልኣይ ደረጃ ቤት ትምህርቲ ኣሎና።

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